Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Coffee shop: a new project for the deaf is launched

In Hawaii, there is a new coffee project which has many benefits for the local community reports World Coffee News (10/01/12).

As we all know, the world has fallen in love with coffee and the DiB Coffees has a range of gourmet coffees which will give the visitors a good cuppa when they pop in for a drink.
But this coffee house is different from regular coffee houses. What is this difference? The DiB (Deaf in Business) Coffees outlet is run by those who are hard of hearing. The project is designed to empower this section of society and allow them to develop the business. This will encourage many different skills – it will build confidence in those who run the business successfully, as well as teaching many business skills in the process. The coffee house is intended to empower the deaf staff and also to allow them independence.

The coffee shop was launched in Damansara Perdana. As well as selling gourmet coffee, the shop also has a selection of cakes and pastries. The project is owned by Allen Teh, who has more than 25 years’ experience in working with the deaf. He has been quoted as stating that the new coffee house, if successful, is intended to be a platform for more DiB outlets.

Once the initial project has a series of well-trained and experienced coffee owners, they can work on spreading their skills to a wider consumer base in other coffee shops.

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