Thursday, 1 December 2011

Deafblind photographer London exhibition

An artist from Essex who has limited sight and hearing hopes his work will act as an inspiration to others reports the BBC News (01/12/11).

About 25 photographs by Ian Treherne, from Rochford, are to feature in an exhibition in London organised by the deaf-blind charity, Sense.

The 33-year-old has Usher Syndrome, meaning he has deteriorating eyesight and a hearing impairment.

He said: "I see less than most people, but I think in some ways it actually makes me see more in life."

He added: "It is a bit ironic that I need to use my eyes for my photography, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I have to think about everything I am doing and am constantly looking 10 times as hard where I'm going”

"I like to show people who take their eyesight for granted the simple views they walk past every day and do not notice."

Mr Treherne, who has been photographing seriously since he was in his late 20s, explained the genetic condition "affects me in every possible way".

He said: "I've got tunnel vision, so have very limited eyesight, especially at night time when I can't see very much.

"I have to think about everything I am doing and am constantly looking 10 times as hard where I'm going."

'Passion and enthusiasm'

Among his images of people, buildings and landscapes which will be displayed at the "Secret Window" exhibition in Soho from 13 December is a shot of the Southend Borough Council offices.

Mr Treherne said: "People do say how ugly it is. But for some reason, I've got an ability to see some beauty in something not particularly nice.

"With busy lives, you come and go to your work place. I tend to take time out and try to appreciate some of the beauty in our streets and towns."

A particular admirer of photographers David Bailey and Brian Duffy, who rose to prominence in the 1960s, Mr Treherne hopes his work will help inspire other people who had impaired sight or hearing.

He said: "I hope people enjoy the pictures, appreciate them and maybe be surprised that someone with an eye condition can take good pictures.

"And [I hope it] shows that with a bit of willing, passion and enthusiasm, no matter how hard things are you can get somewhere in life if you try a little bit harder."

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