We've updated our coporate image and improved the material we provide to customers.
This vibrant new look marks the beginning of a new strategy to better inform our customers.
It is often said that a picture, rather than words, is the best means to convey an idea. By incorporating images of deaf people and situations where Language Support Professionals (LSP) are used, we can demonstrate the services we offer.
Due to the complex nature of the project it has taken some time to finalise the design. It involved the use of a deaf photographer and a cast of deaf models. It was finalised by an expert in graphic design, who is able to translate this new theme to our website.

On request, we will send you our
which includes:
Service Information
BSL Poster & Pen
Request Form
Price List
Terms & Conditions
Feedback Form
Complaint Form
To request a pack email us!
Please include your address, as
this information is sent by post.
For a FREE INFORMATION PACK: info@justcommunication.co.uk
To comment on the new corporate image: feedback@justcommunication.co.uk